Low Carb / Gluten Free Savoury Broccoli Cheese Muffins

I adapted this from a recipe from 180 Nutrition, so the nutrition stats apply to their original recipe. These are a delicious, healthy, savoury muffin – high protein, gluten free broccoli cheese muffins. Perfect for any lunchbox and will stop you reaching for those high carb fixes! These are great hot out of the oven with a hint of rosemary and a nob of butter. Ready in under 30 minutes. I found them even better reheated the next day. Ooh these would be good with diced ham or crumbled, cooked bacon in place of the parsley!

Important: The recipe uses the scoop from their brand of protein powder to measure the flour as well. They did indicate theirs was a 50g scoop – it took four of my scoops to equal 50g of my protein powder, so when they called for 1 scoop of the preferred flour, I used four scoops.

Lastly, we found them too lemony for our tastes, so we leave out the zest and just add the lemon juice. ALSO we found a cup of chopped parsley was just way too much. I would use half that. In fact, in this video I swapped it completely for a quarter cup of chopped garlic chives because that’s already in my garden. I also added a half a teaspoon each of dried parsley and rosemary.


▪ 3 eggs
▪ 2 Tbsp butter or coconut oil
▪ 1 – 2 Tbsp coconut, almond or whole milk
▪ 1/2 tsp salt
▪ 1/8 tsp pepper
▪ 1 scoop (the 50g size scoop that comes with 180 Nutrition protein powders) coconut flour or almond meal or besan flour
▪ 1 cup chopped Broccoli
▪ 3/4 cup shredded sharp cheese of choice (I used a full cup)
▪ 1 tbsp parmesan
▪ 1 cup chopped parsley (I used half cup chopped garlic chives and a Tbsp each of dried parsley and rosemary)
▪ 1 scoop (the 50g size scoop that comes with 180 Nutrition protein powders) any brand protein powder, or substitute an extra Tbsp coconut flour OR a scoop of almond meal / besan flour
▪ Lemon zest of one lemon (we omitted as they were just too lemony for us)
▪ 1 tbsp lemon juice

Blend together eggs, melted butter, coconut milk, salt and pepper. Whisk in the coconut flour and protein powder until there are no lumps. Fold in the broccoli, cheese, parsley and lemon juice and zest. Pop into a muffin tray. Makes 4 good sized muffins. (We got six.)

Bake at 180C or 375F for about 30min. These are delicious lunch box additions.

Servings: 4. Each muffin has 206 calories, 12.7g total fat, 6.8g sat fat, 5.9g total carbs, 2.8g fiber, and 18.1g protein.

Note: The 180 Superfood Protein Blend consists of protein isolate, flax seed, almond meal, sunflower kernels, coconut flour, chia seeds, sesame seeds, psyllium husks and Stevia. If using another brand of protein powder, you may wish to mix it a bit with one or more of those ingredients. If you don’t have protein powder, you can substitute a tablespoon of coconut flour or a quarter cup of almond or besan flour, and a tsp or two of one of the other ingredients. It’s pretty flexible, use what you have. Just don’t use too much coconut flour or you’ll need to add more liquid as well as coconut flour absorbs a lot of liquid.


  1. Thank you so much for all your fabulous videos! I’m wondering if you could guess about how much the 50 gram scoop contains? I don’t have a food scale. From the Internet I am guessing anywhere from 1/3 to 1/2 of a cup?

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