OATMEAL CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES (VEGAN GLUTEN-FREE) オートミールチョコチップクッキー (ヴィーガン グルテンフリー 小麦 卵 乳製品 白砂糖不使用)

Oat flour 90g
Almond flour 100g
Baking powder 1/2 teaspoon
Baking Soda 1/2 teaspoon
Salt 1/6 teaspoon
Coconut oil 50g
Coconut sugar 50g
Plant milk 30g
Vanilla extract 2 teaspoon
Dark chocolate 40g
BAKE AT 180°F(355°F) 15-18 minutes
*Bake only for 10-12 minutes for soft cookies

粉末オートミール 90g
アーモンドプードル 100g
ベーキングパウダー 小さじ1/2
重曹 小さじ1/2
塩 小さじ1/6
ココナッツオイル 50g
ココナッツシュガー 50g
植物性ミルク 30g
バニラエクストラクト 小さじ2
ダークチョコレート 40g

Hello there, My name is SAKI. I’m from Japan and currently living in Vancouver Canada.
I spend most of my time in the kitchen to create YUMMY and HEALTHY recipes that nourish your body, mind and soul. I would like to encourage you to cook healthy food at home more often.I truly believe that what you eat affects on your mood, behave, motivation and …everything !!
Most of my recipes are Gluten and Refined Sugar Free, some are Low-Carb, Vegan.
I hope you Enjoy the videos and recipes. Thank you!

ほとんどのレシピはグルテンフリー 、白砂糖フリーで低糖質やヴィーガンレシピもあります:)

INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/saki_1120/

– Artist Attribution
Music By: “KaizanBlu”
Track Name: “Deep”
• Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/kaizanblu/
• SoundCloud – https://soundcloud.com/kaizanblu/
• Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/kaizanblumusic/
• TikTok – @kaizanblu http://vm.tiktok.com/aCYwfx/
• YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUtx…
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
• Music published/ licensed by: Chill Out Records @ https://goo.gl/fh3rEJ


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