Gluten free Oat meal Cookies (vegan) ☆ グルテンフリーオートミールクッキーの作り方

Simple tasty gluten free cookies!
adding chocolate chips, sesame seeds, spices, bananas…create your own recipe!
I’m going to give you a basic recipe here:)



100g rice flour
20g starch
120g rolled oats
70g maple syrup
50g oil
50g soy milk
30g raisins
1/2 tsp baking powder
a hint of vanilla extract
a hint of salt


1. combine all the ingredients together and mix well.
2. divide the dough into 6 – 12 pieces and place them on a oven tray.
3. bake at 350F/180C for 20 mins



米粉 100g
澱粉 20g(葛粉やタピオカ澱粉、片栗粉など)
オーツ 120g
メープルシロップ 70g
オイル 50g
豆乳 50g
レーズン 30g
ベーキングパウダー 小さじ1/2
バニラエクストラクト 少量
塩 少量




Bob’s Red Mill, Organic, Extra Thick Rolled Oats

Edward & Sons, Organic Tapioca Starch

Now Foods, Real Food, Organic Maple Syrup, Grade A, Medium Amber

Now Foods, Healthy Foods, Organic, Macadamia Nut Oil

Frontier Natural Products, Organic, Vanilla Extract

Made in Nature, Organic Raisins

Source Naturals, Crystal Balance, Himalayan Rock Salt, Fine Grind


I often use iHerb to get organic ingredients.

HP :

Use a code YOY970 to get a discount on your first purchase.
They ship internationally at low price sometimes even free 🙂


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Camera : Nikon D7000
Lens : Sigma 30mm F1.4, Sigma 50mm F2.8 Macro
Mic:RODE video mic pro
Software : Apple Final Cut Pro X
Music :



  1. りょうやさんのチョコグラノーラを真似て作っているうちに、定番料理になって早数ヶ月。いつも少し余るオーツを誰かクッキーにしてないかなと思って検索したら、昔のりょうやさんが既に作ってた(笑) お世話になっております。

  2. タピオカスターチ、カルディだと結構普通に置いてありますね。りょうやさんが動画内で使われてる材料が結構カルディに置いてあるものが多いので見かける度にあ、りょうやさんがよく使ってるやつだーと思ってます。(笑)(現/カルディ店員)

  3. おいしそう(#^^#)お菓子作り好きだから、私も減量期間(プチ断食)終わったら作ります。オートミールたくさんあるから。

  4. たまに作り方を忘れて戻ってきてしまいます。 その度に何度もthumbs upを押したくなるよ。簡単で大好きなクッキーです。ありがとう。

  5. 先ほど作らせていただきました!とても美味しくできました!米粉がそんなに沢山なくて50、オーツを潰したものを50にしても作れたのですが、米粉でないとサクサク感はでませんか?


  6. Do not make these late into the night just before going to bed. I was thinking of having these for breakfast the next morning. That's what happened to me and as soon as they came out of the oven, I ate and ate. After eating 4, I finally said to myself "remember what Ryoya said about eating too many sweets, too much sugar"
    This recipe and what I loved, the crispyness on the suface, moist and dense at the same time on the inside, just a hint of maple syrup, not too sweet at all, every ingredient had its own spotlight.
    I use erythritol to substitute sugars whenever possible. But I wanted to try this recipe without too many changes so I know what it is suppose to taste like.
    The only ingredient I didn't have was soya milk. So I put water instead. I also used coconut oil. The recipe was not specific on what kind. I used all the ingredients in this recipe except soya milk.
    I'm so glad to have another recipe using rice flour. Love this recipe so much, thank you!

  7. Hot cookies are looking delicious but without design 😆, no problem, next time make designer delicious cookies, thank you🙏.

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