話題沸騰♪フランスで人気の林檎ガトーインビジブル Gateau Invisible【Ziozio Kitchen】


話題沸騰♪フランスで人気の林檎ガトーインビジブルの作り方 Gateau Invisible【Ziozio Kitchen】


Now, the topic Gateau invisible, I made it easier than I thought with the material in my house ♪
I think that it became a recipe that can taste the original taste of apple.


フランス発、話題スイーツ!ガトー・インビジブルの作り方 | How To Make Gâteau Invisible


リンゴのガトーインビジブルの作り方 gâteau invisible aux pommes Recette


おうちで簡単『 ガトー・インビジブル 』お子様と一緒にどうぞ

フランス発!美しい萌え断スイーツ「ガトーインビジブル」|How to make Gateau Invisible

りんご1個で簡単♪ ガトーインビジブルの作り方 | Invisible apple cake GATEAU INVISIBLE


  1. 甘いもの好きだけど、甘すぎるのは苦手なので、お砂糖控えめにしたり、植物油やヨーグルトを使ってさっぱり感を出しています。コクが欲しい方は植物油を溶かしバターに、甘いのがお好きな方はお砂糖を60gまで増やせます♪(レシピは「続きを読む」クリックしてみてくださいね)


    【材料】(6×7×17cmのパウンド型 1台分)
    ・玉子  2個
    ・きび砂糖 40g
    ・薄力粉 50g
    ・シナモンパウダー 小さじ1/2(2g)
    ・牛乳 55g
    ・ヨーグルト 15g
    ・植物油 30g(今回は米油を使いました)

  2. 【Material】 (1 x 6 x 7 x 17 cm pound type)
    · 2 apples
    · 2 eggs
    · Cracked sugar 40g
    · Mild flour 50 g
    · 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon powder (2 g)
    · Milk 55 g
    · Yoghurt 15 g
    · Vegetable oil 30 g (This time we used rice oil)

    · Put a sheet for the oven on the pound type.
    · Preheat the oven to 190 ℃.

    ① Make the fabric. Egg, crust sugar, flour, cinnamon powder, milk, yoghurt, vegetable oil in order.
    ② Peel off the apple. Use 1/2 beautiful parts of leather with leather on.
    ③ Slice the apples as thinly as possible. This time I cut it with kitchen knife but I think that using a slicer is also good (^ ^)
    * The part with skin is arranged on the surface at the end, so put it separately.
    ④ Mix together apples (slices of peel) sliced ​​into the fabric of ①.
    ⑤ Place the apples on the pound type flatly so that they become a layer, pour the remaining fabric from above.
    ⑥ Arrange apple slices with skin on the surface.
    ⑦ Reset the preheated oven to 190 ° C and bake it for 50 minutes.
    On the way, if the apple on the surface seems to burn, please cover with aluminum foil.
    ⑧ Cool as it is, cool it, refrigerate it overnight in a refrigerator if possible, and eat it ♪ It is delicious ♪

    I tried to arrange the GATOO invisible of the topic now and I.
    I like sweet things, but for the husband who is not good at sweetness, I make sugar sparingly, I use vegetable oil or yoghurt to feel a refreshing feeling. If you want rich fruit oil melted butter, if you like sweet, you can increase the sugar to 60 g ♪

    Easy arrangement with various fruits and vegetables! Please try by all means (^ ^) ♪

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