【卵白消費に最適!】米粉を使ったフィナンシェ2種/ Gluten Free Almond Financier & Matcha Financier#19







無塩バター 112.5g
グラニュー糖 100g
アーモンドプードル 55g
塩 ひとつまみ
ベーキング・パウダー 小さじ1/2
卵白 120g

アーモンドプードル 大さじ1
アーモンドエクストラ 小さじ1/4
スライスアーモンド 1/4カップ

抹茶 大さじ1



#フィナンシェ #グルテンフリー #簡単 #financier #easy #glutenfree #brownbutter #baking #frenchpastry #フランス菓子 #teacake #matcha #抹茶
Today I will introduce a gluten-free financier made with rice flour. Financiers are French sweets that look like gold bars. A moist and delicious cake with brown butter and almonds.

The matcha financier earns my husband’s special endorsement. It’s a bar shape, so it’s easy to eat and not too sweet.

Egg yolks are used a lot in making sweets, such as custard. This financier is perfect for consuming egg whites that were not used up. By the way, I freeze egg whites and defrost them when needed. If you put it in a ziplock bag, you can avoid waste.

About brown butter. If you are a beginner in sweets making, it may be difficult to see if it will burn, but when the whole is golden brown, turn off the heat and try cooking with preheating. The scent of butter, reminiscent of the smell of nuts, is wonderful.

I used brown rice flour this time, but you can replace it with regular flour. Try to make it easy with the materials you have at home.

1 stick/ 112.5g unsalted butter
100g granulated sugar
55g almond flour or almond meal
55g rice flour
a pinch of salt
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
120g egg whites

**for Almond Financier**
1 tablespoon almond flour or almond meal
1/4 teaspoon almond extract
1/4 cup sliced almond

**for matcha Financier**
1 tablespoon matcha powder

Please watch the video for instructions.

I have a sub-channel for Arizona life. Please check it out!


  1. 大好きだけど、自分で作った事のなかったフィナンシェ。とっても美味しそうなレシピを教えてもらえたので是非作ってみたいと思います!フィナンシェ型もゲットせねば! 笑

  2. アーモンドプードル消費に作ってみます✨教えて頂きたいのですがお使いのものはガスオーブンですか?普通の電気オーブンでも190°で15〜20分焼成して大丈夫でしょうか?

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