Part 2 – Jane Eyre Audiobook by Charlotte Bronte (Chs 07-11)

Part 2. Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Elizabeth Klett.

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  1. quelle idée géniale, un si beau texte aussi bien lu, quel plaisir ! c'est un privilège d'avoir ainsi quelqu'un qui vous fait la lecture.. Et si l'on ne comprends pas tout, on peut se referrer au texte à l'écran: vraiment une excellente initiative. je suis impatiente de découvrir les autres oeuvres. A celui ou celle qui a posté ceci, où qu'i ou elle soit, un grand merci!

  2. How I still remember Helen Burns dying in Jane's arms, her last words something like how thankful she was to be spared the misery that was to be the rest of her life.

  3. you're really awesome for being able to read nonstop for 2 hours…. I try to do it for 'bout ten minutes and don't want to speak anymore (jejeje)

  4. The beginning of chapter 11,I have experienced,once, almost exactly that.I was16,coming home from a year abroad,when I missed my flight from London to DC,because my first flight had been delayed.When I was told by the man at the customer service desk that it would be impossible to take my intended route home, I felt what Jane is now describing.I was alone in a foren country with no way forward or back.I was able to get a flight the next day, but I spent the night alone in a hotel room in London

  5. merci Oliver pour cette vidéo ….
    ce logiciel va me simplifier la vie ….
    A bientôt sur le blog de formation de a MarkeTeam

  6. thank you so much for this book… I love the story having read it myself in book form many times. Thank you your reading is perfection and I find myself reading aloud along with you.

  7. why are there so many thumbs down? Who would give this great book a thumb down?

    Anyways: Thanks so much for uploading all these great classics!

  8. Nice accent and voice! I wish this is a dramatic reading though. I can close my eyes and not trouble myself reading the texts. I am NOT used to british english but still, I can understand what you are reading.

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