しっとり柔らか、簡単バナナケーキ、バナナブレッドの作り方・レシピ │ Banana Cake │ HOOTEA



バター 80g
きび砂糖 70g
全卵 1個
バナナ 小さめ2本(145g前後)
薄力粉 100g
ベーキングパウダー 3g


1. 柔らかくしたバター80gをボウルに入れてヘラで練ってクリーム状にし、砂糖70gをすり混ぜる
2. 卵1個を加え(溶いて少しずつ加えるとなおよし)、なめらかな状態になるまで混ぜる
3. バナナを潰して加え混ぜ(加えてからカード等で切り混ぜてもOK)、薄力粉100g・ベーキングパウダー3gをふるい入れる
4. さっくりと切り混ぜ、粉っぽさがなくなってツヤが出たら敷き紙を敷いた型に詰める
5. 表面を均し、170℃に予熱したオーブンで40分を目安に焼き、竹串をさして生地が付いてこなければ焼き上がり


▼HOOTEA おうちアフタヌーンティーを楽しむ


↓using translation software.

~ 18 cm pound cake mold ~
Butter 80 g
Raw cane sugar 70 g
1 whole egg
2 small bananas (about 145 g)
Cake flour 100 g
3 g baking powder

Soften the butter at room temperature.
Cover the mold with baking paper.
Sift weak flour and baking powder.
Preheat the oven to 170 ° C.

[How to make]
1.Add 80 g of softened butter in a bowl. Knead it with a spatula to make it creamy. Grind and mix 70 g of sugar.
2.Add 1 egg (It will be better if you dissolve it and add it little by little.) and mix it until it becomes smooth.
3.Mash the banana and mix it (It is also OK to mix it with a card after adding it.). Sift in 100 g of weak flour and 3 g of baking powder.
4.Lightly cut and mix it. When the powdery feel is gone and it becomes glossy, stuff it in a mold covered with baking paper.
5.Raise the surface and bake it for around 40 minutes in an oven preheated to 170 ° C. Poke it with a bamboo skewer and it will be complete if the dough doesn’t stick.


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