Easy One Pan Pudding Sponge Cake 簡単 ワンパン プリンケーキ

#Easy #PuddingCake #Recipe
The cake is made by pouring the pudding mixture softly onto the sponge dough and baking it. You won’t believe that everything works in one go!
Recipe (for a 16 cm mold)
1. Thinly grease the baking mold with butter.
2. Make the caramel sauce.
Heat 5g of water and 50g of caster sugar in a pot.
3. Bring to a boil while dissolving the sugar. When the mixture turns a caramel color, remove from heat.
4. Add 15g of hot water and pour into baking mold. Cool in fridge.
5. Make the pudding mixture.
Dissolve 60g of castor sugar in 300g of warm milk (heat to 55°C in the microwave).
6. Little by little add three whipped eggs into mixture no. 5 while mixing.
7. Add a few drops of vanilla oil while mixing.
8. Pour no. 7 into no. 4 while filtering the mixture.
9. Make the sponge dough.
Put one egg and 25g of castor sugar into a bowl and bring to foam in a bain-marie using water approximately the temperature of hot bath water.
10. When it cools to body temperature remove from bain-marie and continue bringing it to foam.
11. Add 10g of milk and softly mix with a rubber spatula.
12. Sieve in 25g of flour in two batches and mix.
13. Add 10g of melted butter and mix.
14. Pour no. 8 into no. 13.
15. Place no. 14 on a baking tray filled with 2 cm of hot water and steam bake in a preheated oven at 160°C for 40 minutes. If it seems like the cake is turning too dark, after 25 minutes you can cover it with aluminum foil.
16. Remove from mold after cooling the cake in the fridge for half a day. The pudding is just the right texture! Delicious!

一度にできて ちょっと感動。

*レシピ*(16センチ セルクル型 1個分)
鍋に水 5gと上白糖 50gを入れ、火にかける。
4.お湯 15gを入れ、1の型に流し入れておく。冷蔵庫で冷やしておく。
温めた牛乳 300g(55度に設定して電子レンジで温めました)に上白糖 60gを入れ溶かす。
6.溶きほぐした 卵 3個に5に少しずつかき混ぜながら加える。
7.バニラオイル 数滴も加え混ぜる。
ボウルに卵 1個と上白糖 25gを入れ、熱めのお風呂くらいのお湯で湯煎しながら泡立てる。
10.人肌になったら湯煎からはずし、さらに しっかり泡立てる。
11.牛乳 10gを加え、ゴムベラでなめらかに混ぜる。
12.薄力粉 25gをふるいながら2回に分けて加え、混ぜる。
13.溶かしバター 10gを入れ、混ぜる。


  1. Hi guys!

    First of all I’m sorry for the self promo but I really wanted to get my videos out there! 🙏
    I am a new ASMR/unboxing channel starting out with weekly videos. I would appreciate it so very much if you can give me a subscribe and follow 💖 Thank you!

  2. 気のせいかもしれないけどいや気のせいだと思うけど最近の動画は前の動画に比べて荒っぽい気がする おもしろいけど笑

  3. do you stir the caramel while you are making it or just leave it in the pot to boil?
    when I made it and stirred the caramel went weird and hard was I not supposed to stir?

  4. Here in Mexico, there is a pretty similar recipe, but instead of normal sponge cake, its chocolate cake. Its delicious because of the combination of soft, creamy pudding (sometimes we add cream cheese for a delicious chewy texture) and moist, wet chocolate cake. Its called "Pastel Imposible" traduced is "Impossible Cake" even though its simple to make.

  5. 妄想グルメさんの 動画を見てると 安心します。 私よく眠れない人かは 妄想グルメさんの動画を見てます

  6. これ作ってるなうなんですが、どうしてもスポンジ作る過程の最初の
    卵 上白糖を混ぜて泡立てるところでふわふわになりません😢

  7. 卵は卵の黄身の位置に固定することができます新鮮な卵を表すストラップが含まれています。 は、抗酸化物質を持っています, ウイルス連合を人体に侵入する可能性があります, その後、ウイルスを排除, 感染症の生産を防ぎます, と予防癌機能を持っています。

  8. このプリンケーキ、美味しそうですね!ლ(´ڡ`ლ)


  9. ふわふわ可愛いヨーグルトケーキ


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