Glico’s Caplico-style aerated chocolate in 90 seconds! レンジで90秒!グリコのカプリコ風チョコレート作ってみた

This chocolate treat is filled with air bubbles, giving an interesting fluffy texture. By randomly packing in 3 different flavors of chocolate, we made it look like marbled ice cream. Actually, we thought up this video after seeing how to make a bath bomb, and wondering whether we could do one with chocolate. There should definitely be a bathbomb like this.

*Recipe* (65ml shape, 3 pieces)

1. Cut the chocolate into a heat-resistant container. We used 50g of chocolate, 45g of white chocolate x2 and 47g of strawberry chocolate.
2. Heat in a 600w microwave for 40 seconds each to melt the chocolate. If it doesn’t melt, heat it up for an additional 10 seconds, and repeat until it is completely melted.
3. Mix 1ml of baking soda with the same amount of water.
4. Mix 3 into 2 and mix 10 to 15 times. It should look a little deflated and sticky.
5. Heat everything for 30 sec. at 600w in a microwave. Make sure to check that the sides don’t start burning.
6. Put everything gently into the mold. Don’t force it.
7. Cool everything in the fridge.
8. It’s done.

It’s a little salty… is baking soda salty?…


*レシピ*(65mlの型 3個分)
1.耐熱容器にチョコレートを割り入れる。チョコレート 50g、ホワイトチョコレート 45g✕2回、いちごチョコレート 47gを使いました。
3.重曹 1mlさじ1杯と同量の水を合わせ混ぜる。

#Glico #Caplico #Chocolate #QuickRecipe #Microwave #グリコ #カプリコ #作り方


  1. So basically I thought it might take some pictures 🤠 and the ejurhr on my Wayne I am looking forward to your help with your company and I am a little while to get to the same no matter how hard you work for the first time since we have a little bit about me and my husband and wife and on behalf of my husband and wife and on the same no and

  2. You might be fine without the baking soda added in since it seems like the chocolate just needs to be seized. I don’t know if that would impact the ‘bubbles’ in it but it would help the flavor a bit.

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