



0:00 菓子工房Regalo

22:58 ヴァガボンド洋菓子店

46:24 スイーツガーデンマルフジ

1:38:32 寿-kotobuki tokyo-

2:05:31 Pâtisserie YUTA ogura vision Y

#甘いもの #スイーツ #ケーキ屋の裏側 #デザート #sweets #desserts #japanesefood


  1. 美味しそうだし、何よりグルテンフリーなんて大量買いしたい❤🎉

  2. If the first story saves the pieces of sponge cake they can make simple cup shortcakes with left overs. Put the strawberries in a bowl with some sugar for a while then use the strawberries with the sugar juice, leftover sponge cake pieces and whipping cream in layers.

  3. Does the Japanese people not like American style cake with Buttercreme frosting? Just wondering as I watch lots of Japanese pastry and bread baking shows and I’ve never see what I know to be cake.

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