ちょっと大人味。とろっとろの絶品たまごサンド【卵×牡蠣×まこもだけ】- Three Good Things –

3つの楽しい食材の組み合わせから生まれる、感動の“新しい味”を提案する「Three Good Things」。









・ たまご:3つ
・ 牡蠣:5〜6個
・ まこもだけ:1/2
・ 塩:少々
・ 食パン
・ バター

※ 香りやダシをしっかりとりたいので、牡蠣は生食用ではなく加熱用を使ってください。
※ 食パンは少し厚みがあるものがおすすめです。






A high valued of recipe, “three good things”, is made from three items.

Second week is sandwich.

Today, a perfect recipe for the egg sandwich, that has an adult-oriented taste, is going to be introduced.

Three items are egg, oyster and makomo.

It is usual, as for egg, to boil and cut into fine pieces and put mayonnaise on top. This time, however, we use good flavor of oyster instead of mayonnaise. Makomo, that is becoming popular among chefs, is also used for the recipe.

You faintly discern some sweetness of ingredients as if you eat soft sweet corn.
Take them if you find in the supermarket as they are prominent from this year.

This is an egg sandwich that has a feature of stewed egg, milky thick oyster as well as soft and flaky makomo. Put all ingredients between two slices of bread and take a big bite of mild and rich taste sandwich.

[Ingredients] two serving
・ Egg: 3
・ Oyster: 5〜6
・ Makomo: 1/2
・ Salt: a pinch
・ A loaf of bread
・ Butter

※ In order to get good stock, use oyster for cooking instead of one that can be eaten raw.
※ As for bread, it is recommended to use thick one.

[How to cook]
1. Cut the root of makomo and peel the skin off. Then, cut it into about 2 to 3 cm thick.
2. Fry it with butter and sprinkle a pinch of salt.
3. Add oyster and fry them thoroughly.
4. Put dissolved egg with salt over a low heat. Stir them thoroughly and take down from the flame once it stewed.
5. Spread butter on bread and put all ingredients between two slices of bread. If you put all ingredients in the middle, it would be easy for cutting as well as eating.

This is an adult-oriented and simple taste of egg sandwich that brings out the flavor of the ingredients.

[How to arrange]
・ If you are not able to get makomo from the supermarket, replace it with baby sweet corn.
・ It is also recommended to add daikon radish sprouts as it looks bulky and gains crispiness as well as softness. Spicy and bitter tastes make a sandwich more adult-oriented.



  1. 台詞のない動画なのに、字幕が見えにくくて疲れます…(~_~;)ただでさえレシピの味が想像しにくいのに、セリフ説明なし!字幕みえにくし!画だけ見て感じるがよい!では、ちょっと辛いです笑

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