海沿いの絶景ベーカリーに並ぶ100種類以上の天然酵母パンの数々。パンが結ぶ縁で地元民を繋ぐベーカリー4選|Amazing Skills of Japanese Bakers



〜パンものがたり Bread Story ~
パンに携わる人々の裏側に密着し、パンに対する想いや歴史、 背景のものがたりを全世界へ届けるプロジェクト。
パンものがたりは世界をつなぐ。©パンものがたり https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAVWa1Bbft6hGUrfKe9FENw


0:00 バタフライノットベーカリー
URL https://youtu.be/paOE1lk-RiE
住所 兵庫県たつの市御津町黒崎1414 
地図 https://maps.app.goo.gl/wRo2HDNYnAfZuFrB7

1:09:39 パティスリープリュス
URL https://youtu.be/r87KDuxy7II
住所  兵庫県南あわじ市市善光寺99−27
地図 https://maps.app.goo.gl/fo9uqVR1gaeqWXZD8

1:58:36 ブレッドデイズ
URL https://youtu.be/nEVdBpW9C44
住所 兵庫県神戸市灘区高徳町3丁目2−21
地図 https://maps.app.goo.gl/dgmVYEBCkWE8kBoj8

2:52:17 Boulangerie Jimmy
URL https://youtu.be/PIZwYtms6nA
住所 兵庫県神戸市垂水区星が丘3丁目4−21
地図 https://goo.gl/maps/mdQixMXM9QWRPk4t5

#神戸パン #パン屋 #baking #breadrecipe #breadfactory #asmr


  1. They got all that for 11USD?! I'd weigh 500lbs, there's nothing there I wouldn't try! A lot of hard work for a beautiful product!

  2. Love your channel. Japan is one of the world's great baking countries. I will say, though, that I think pain au chocolat are often a bit too crunchy in Japan compared to France — and they appear that way in this video. In any event, jealous of all the wonderful bakeries in Japan.

  3. The baker from bread days having only 2-3h of sleep and the rest of the day working nonstop shows in his skill.
    The handmotion were extra fluid and pleasing to watch.
    Also to come back to the 2-3h of sleep: brutal!

  4. There's a Taiwanese bakery where I live, that is exactly like this place.

    They also put hot dogs and sausages in everything lol

  5. Huge respect to these people. Especially the boss of Bread Days, who works between 19 and 20 hours a day and delivers such quality. Unbelievable.

    I have been to Japan several times now and am absolutely thrilled and fascinated by this country.

  6. Япония особая страна,была в Токио,там все делается для удобства людей,люблю Японию и её жителей.❤

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