サクサクチョコバナナパウンドケーキのレシピ Banana chocolate chip cake recipe


You can see the details of how to make it by turning on subtitles.

If you have a rotten banana, this is a cake you should definitely try.
The secret to deliciousness is to use ripe bananas to create a moist and rich flavor.
It is also important not to overcook. Please adjust the baking time according to your oven.

– 材料 – 縦21cm横8cm深さ6cmパウンド型
卵 2個
グラニュー糖 100g
サラダ油 90g
薄力粉 150g
ベーキングパウダー 小さじ1/2
シナモン 小さじ1
ミルクチョコレート 40gくらい


1. バナナをフォークで潰す。(切るのではなく必ず潰すこと)

2. 40〜50℃くらいの湯煎に当てながら卵を泡立てる。

3. 手順2にサラダ油を加えて混ぜる。

4. 潰したバナナを加えて混ぜる。

5. オーブンを200℃に温めておく。

6. 4に薄力粉、ベーキングパウダー、シナモンをふるいながら加えて、ヘラで切るようにさっくりと混ぜ合わせる。

7. 型に入れて3回調理台に落とし中の空気を抜く。180℃で20分焼いたらチョコを割って表面に差し込んでいく。

8. 焼き上がったら型ごと冷ましておく。一晩おくとしっとりする。

– ingredients –

Length 21 cm Width 8 cm Depth 6 cm Pound type

Postscript * I changed the quantity because I retaken the thumbnail.
I added a banana for decoration and made chocolate into a chocolate bar.
Of course, there is no problem even if you make it with the amount of video.

3 bananas :middle size
2 eggs
100g granulated sugar
90g vegetable oil
150g cake flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon cinnamon
40g milk chocolate

● How to make

1. Crush the banana with a fork. (Be sure to crush it, not cut it)

2. Whisk the eggs in a water bath at 40-50 ° C.
Add sugar in 3 portions and lift the whisk to whisk until the dough line remains.

3. Add vegetable oil to step 2 and mix.

4. Add crushed banana and mix.

5. Warm the oven to 200 ° C.

6. While sieving, add flour, baking powder and cinnamon to 4 and mix with a spatula.

7. Put it in a mold and drop it on the cooking table 3 times to remove the air inside. Bake at 180°C for 20 minutes, break the chocolate and insert it into the surface. Lower the temperature to 170°C and bake for about 20 minutes.

8. After baking, let the mold cool. It gets damp if left overnight.


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