【焼きドーナツ】400円で夢のドーナツスタンドDIY!?しっとりドーナッツの作り方donut stand DIY at home!?How to make moist baked donuts


バター 50g
砂糖  50g
薄力粉 40g
アーモンドプードル 10g
卵   1個

バター 50g
砂糖  50g
薄力粉 40g
アーモンドプードル 10g
ココアパウダー 3g
卵   1個









・3 plains (videos are made twice as much.)
50g of butter
50g of sugar
40g of flour
Almond poodle 10g
1 egg
Vanilla oil (if any)

・3 pieces of cocoa
50g of butter
50g of sugar
40g of flour
Almond poodle 10g
Cocoa powder 3g
1 egg

・Coated chocolate
Sweet chocolate
White chocolate

Mix 3 to 10% oil with chocolate and melt it in hot water.

・Color spray for toppings, nuts, chocolate pens, etc.

※If you don’t hang chocolate or decorate it, the sweetness is a little insufficient, so please add 10g of sugar.


1Take the butter to room temperature and keep it soft. Loosen with a mixer, add sugar and mix well until soft.

2 Combine the flour, almond poodle and (cocoa), sieve in a bowl and mix the butter and flour.

3 When the egg is broken and loosened, apply it to hot water at about 50℃ and warm it to about body temperature.
Divide the eggs into 3 to 4 times, add them to the butter, and mix them well each time.
※If you add eggs, it is easy to separate, so warm them well before adding,
If you feel that butter and eggs have separated even a little, or if you feel that the dough is slipping, stop adding even if there are eggs left, and proceed to the next process.

4 pour the dough evenly into the dough mold. Preheat the oven to 180℃.
Lightly tap the 5 mold to level the dough and bake at 180℃ for 13 minutes.
6 When the heat is removed, slowly remove the donuts from the mold and decorate them with chocolate and toppings.

Thank you for watching.
I made a trendy donut stand with my favorite baked dough recipe with moist dough.
I use it after washing Daiso’s perforated board, but if you are worried about it because it is not for food, we recommend commercial products.
Both adults and children were happy, so I’m thinking of making it again!
It can be arranged with various decorations for Halloween, Christmas, home parties and gifts!
It’s not fried, so it won’t be oily after the next day.
If you put chocolate on it, it will be chilled and hardened well, but when you eat it, you can feel the moistness and sweetness of the donuts more if you put it out a little at room temperature.



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