紅茶ケーキの作り方と春一番に咲く我が家の庭のお花を飾ってティータイム How to make Tea Cake



材料 15cm丸型

無塩バター 100g
きび砂糖 100g
アーモンドパウダー 50g
卵 2個
薄力粉 100g
ベーキングパウダー 小さじ1/2
紅茶パウダー 8g
紅茶茶葉 4g
牛乳 大さじ1


#紅茶ケーキの作り方 # パウンドケーキ #紅茶

Thank you for watching.

The spring weather is changing from warm to cold and back again. Spring has definitely arrived in our little garden. Bulbs such as daffodils and muscari have started to bloom. During the winter we have artificial flowers on display, but fresh flowers are still nice 💖.
You will want to decorate the flowers and bake a cake for teatime.
I found tea powder at Celia, which I could only buy by mail order, so I baked a tea cake. Then black tea makes me want to drink thick milk tea uncontrollably.

Ingredients 15 cm round mould

100 g unsalted butter
100 g light brown sugar
50 g almond powder
2 eggs
100 g cake flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
8 g black tea powder
4 g black tea leaves
1 tbsp milk

Bake in a preheated oven at 170°C for 40 minutes.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Love Story by Jonny Easton
Link: https://youtu.be/YcGEBptSSQk​

Familiar – by Jonny Easton
Link: https://youtu.be/LMgoFlz5ebw

Check out his channel
Link: https://www.youtube.com/jonnyeaston​


  1. 紅茶のケーキ大好きです❤️香りも良いしシンプルですよね😊お庭に素敵なお花がたくさん咲いてて羨ましいです。今日は満開の桜を見て癒され先生の動画で癒されてほっこりです😊

  2. 今日からダイエットを始めようと心に誓ったのに、作ってみたくなりました😅

  3. Hello! How are you? The cake looks delicious and the porcrlai that you use is gorgeous! All decoration give us a sense of calm and tranquility! Love violets too! Have a lovely week! THANK YOU SO SO MUCH!!!!

  4. 材料や器具に百均で探されたのを見ると、ホッとしたり新たな発見したり、と刺激を頂いてます。今回の紅茶パウダーも「こんなのを売ってたんだ!」と、目から鱗でした。勉強になります。

  5. 春ですねえ🌸

    ブルーイタリアンの皿に ケーキ😃



  6. Good morning lavender tea channel 🌸🇯🇵🍵 how are you today what a beautiful morning we are having that matcha green tea cake looks scrumptious 😋🤤😋 brilliant job outstanding keep up the good work lavender tea channel 🌸🇯🇵🍵.

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