簡単ミルク湯種の もちふわ”抹茶ミルクブレッド” をおばあちゃんにプレゼント!パン作りでみんなを笑顔に😊 bread recipe

This is everyone’s favorite matcha bread. 😍
This is a very soft and fluffy bread made with milk-YUDANE. On top of that, you can put matcha milk cream inside and enjoy the soft sweetness and moistness. This is a very human friendly bread. 😊

強力粉(ゆめちから) 50g
牛乳  70g

強力粉(ゆめちから) 270g
砂糖 15g
塩(ゲランドの塩 ) 3g
インスタントドライイースト 4g
練乳 25g
牛乳 90g
無塩バター 20g
抹茶パウダー 4g

・練乳  25g
・無塩バター 10g
・抹茶パウダー 1g

一次発酵 40℃ 35分程度で生地が2倍ぐらいになるまで発酵させる。
二次発酵 40℃ 25分程度


15分のベンチタイム後、抹茶生地を24cm× 12cmぐらいに伸ばし、抹茶ミルククリームを塗って巻いていく。

190℃ 15分
180℃ 10分

CHEFMADE 食パン型 (0.5斤)×2個
寸法 (長さx幅x高さ) 11.5 x 11.4 x 10.6 cm
※ 同じ分量を使って 角食パン1斤型1個でも作れます。(焼成温度と時間は調整して下さい)

★Matcha Milk Bread★
50 g bread flour (Yumechikara)
Milk 70 g
*The bread flour is spring. In the case of love, the milk is 56 g.
I will take an hour off.

[Bread dough]
270 g bread flour (Yumechikara)
15 g sugar
Salt (guerande salt) 3g
(You can use regular salt instead.)
Instant dry yeast 4g
Condensed milk 25 g
Milk 90 g
Water (lukewarm water) 100 g
Unsalted butter 20 g
*If the bread flour is Haruyo Koi, use 72 g of milk and 80 g of water.

4g matcha powder

Mix 4g of matcha powder (1 teaspoon and 1/2 of water into a paste) into half of the dough after kneading.
*Adjust the amount of matcha powder to your favorite color.

Green tea milk cream
・Condensed milk 25 g
・Unsalted butter 10 g
・1 g matcha powder
Add condensed milk and matcha to the unsalted butter that has been brought to room temperature and mix it together.
Let it rise for the first time at 40 °C for 35 minutes until the dough doubles in size.
Secondary fermentation: about 25 minutes at 40 °C.
Let it ferment to around 80% of the height of the mold.
[Bench time]
Divide both the white dough and the matcha dough into 2 and let them sit for 15 minutes.
After letting it sit for 15 minutes, roll out the matcha dough to about 24 cm x 12 cm, spread the matcha milk cream on top and roll it up.
Roll up the white dough without applying anything.
When all 4 are done, cross the white dough and matcha dough, make it into a ring shape, roll it and put it in the mold.
*Please watch the video carefully for shaping!
15 minutes at 190 °C
10 minutes at 180 °C
[The mold used]
CHEFMADE bread loaf (0.5 loaf) x 2
Dimensions (L x W x H) 11.5 x 11.4 x 10.6 cm
*You can also make 1 bread loaf with the same amount.
Without dividing the dough after the first rising, let it rest, then mix the white dough and matcha dough one by one to form a ring and put it in the mold.

*You can also use the same amount to make 1 loaf of bread. (Please adjust the baking temperature and time.)



MUSIC index
1. Generations To Come – Sam Eber
2. Beauty In The Mundane – Bird Of Figment
3. Live On – OTE
4. Crazy for Love (Tribute Version) – Mondays
5. Carry You Home (Tribute Version) – Akerman
6. Goosebumps – Ray
7. Cowgirls Don’t Cry (Instrumental Version) – Gamma Skies
8. Wish I Could – Victor Lundberg
All songs are copyrighted by Epidemic sound.

Matcha pão de leite
50 g de farinha forte (Yumechikara)
70g de leite
Se a farinha forte for Haruyokoi, o leite é de 56g.
Partir para descansar durante cerca de 1 hora.
Massa de pão
270 g de farinha forte (Yumechikara)
15 g de açúcar
3 g de sal (sal de Guerande)
(o sal comum pode ser substituído)
4 g de levedura seca instantânea
25 g de leite condensado
90 g de leite
100 g de água (morna)
20 g de manteiga sem sal
72 g de leite e 80 g de água se a farinha forte for Haruyokoi
4 g de pó matcha
Matcha creme de leite
25 g de leite condensado
10 g de manteiga sem sal
1 g de pó matcha
Primeira fermentação: 40°C durante 35 minutos até que a massa tenha duplicado de tamanho.
Segunda fermentação: 40°C, 25 mins.
Fermentação até a massa ter atingido 80% da altura do molde.
Hora da bancada
Dividir a massa branca e a massa mate em 2 porções e bancada durante 15 minutos.
*Veja o vídeo cuidadosamente para molduras.
190°C 15 mins 180°C 10 mins.


  1. Hi, thanks for teh recipe. Instead matcha, if I want to make choc flavour as the chocolate cream shd I use cocoa powder or melt choc compound. What do you think?

  2. 美味しそうですね

  3. 先日ゆめちからを購入したばかりです。

  4. I saw that you made 2 different yudane compare with “milky strawberry bread” recipe posted 2 months ago. How this affect to bread? Thanks

  5. ご年配の方にお返ししたい物を探していたところ

  6. If I want to make 1 load of bread, how about the baking temperature and time? Sorry, I don't know how to adjust.

  7. 1斤型で作りたいんですが、いつも1斤だと

  8. 初めてコメントします😊上手く出来ました😅すごくしっとりフワフワ‼️明日職場のみんなで頂きます😋

  9. コメント失礼致しますm(__)m


  10. Your loaf looks gorgeous, specially the bright green colour. May I know what brand of matcha powder you used? The one i have doesn’t produce nice green colour but instead it’s dull green 😢

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