



thanks for visiting our page! introduction of how to bake pound cake of earl grey, you can check a recipe below

108g butter 30cc milk
48g powder sugar 1potion of earl grey
2 egg yolks

2 egg whites
60g sugar

72g flour
24g almond powder
12g hazelnut powder
1potion of earl grey leaves crushed

make 1 pound cake 18cm×6cm×8cmh

1 tea bag of earl grey,put into the boiled milk and leave to infuse for 5 minutes.

mix the soften butter and powder sugar. combine ‘milk tea’ when egg yolks mixed well.

whip egg whites and sugar to make meringue.

Fold the meringue through the earl grey base and then add sifted flour, mix well. Add a rest of meringue to combines

bake at 180℃ for 50minutes


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