[ASMR] Love Letter Cookies recipe ◆ ラブレタークッキーレシピ

#asmr #baking #recipe

Are you looking for a unique way to show someone that you care? Well, we have the perfect idea for you!

Our Love Letter Cookie recipe is the perfect way to put a smile on someone’s face and take them by surprise. Not only is it a delicious treat, but it also comes with a message card and sprinkle confetti inside!

So why not bake up a batch of these Love Letter Cookies and share them with someone special today? They’re sure to appreciate the extra thought and effort you put into making their day a little bit sweeter!

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0:00 – Intro
0:24 – Cookies
2:07 – Assembly
2:50 – Presentation


◆For the cookies:
100 g unsalted butter
100 g powdered sugar
40 g whole egg
30 g almond flour
A pinch of salt
220 g all-purpose flour

◆For the decoration:
White chocolate
Heart sprinkles
Red food coloring for chocolate


1. Cream the butter, add the sugar and beat until light and fluffy
2. Add the egg and beat until incorporated
3. Add the almond flour and salt and mix
4. Add the flour and mix to combine
5. Chill the dough in the fridge at least for an hour
6. Roll out the dough to 3 mm thickness
7. Cut the dough into 4 cm × 6 cm rectangular forms
8. Score the 1/3 of them like an envelope, and cut out the another 1/3
9. Bake in a preheated oven at 170C° for 13-15 min and cool
10. Insert the letter and sprinkles and paste with melted white chocolate
11. Draw a heart with colored white chocolate


Thank you for watching!



無塩バター 100g
粉砂糖 100g
全卵 40g
アーモンドプードル 30g
塩 ひとつまみ
薄力粉 220g



1. バターをクリーム状にし、粉砂糖を加えて白っぽくなるまで混ぜます
2. 卵を入れて混ぜます
3. アーモンドプードルと塩を入れて混ぜます
4. 薄力粉を入れて練らないように混ぜます
5. 冷蔵庫で生地を最低1時間冷やします
6. 生地を3 mmの厚さにのばします
7. 4 cm × 6 cm の長方形に切ります
8. 1/3に封筒型の跡をつけて、別の1/3は中を切り抜きます
9. 170C°に予熱したオーブンで13-15分焼いて、冷ましておきます
10. カードとスプリンクルを入れて、溶かしたホワイトチョコレートで組み立てます
11. 着色したチョコレートでハートを描きます




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