





👩‍🍳パウンド生地 Pound fabric

– 無塩バター Unsalted butter 110g
– 砂糖 Sugar 80g
– 薄力粉 Cake flour 100g
– 卵 Egg 2個
– ベーキングパウダー Baking powder 2g
– 紅茶葉 Tea leaves 4g
– 熱湯 Hot water 20ml

○下準備 preparation

Soak tea leaves in hot water.
Heat the unsalted butter in the
microwave until soft.
Beat the eggs.
Preheat oven to 170°C.
Spread the oven sheet on the mold.

○作り方 how to make

👩‍🍳パウンド生地 Pound fabric

Place unsalted butter in a bowl and beat with a whisk until smooth.

Add sugar all at once and mix with a whipper until it becomes whitish.

Add the egg mixture in several batches, and use a whipper to mix each time.

Combine the flours, sift them all at once, and mix gently with a rubber spatula.

Just before the powderiness disappears completely, add the black tea leaves and mix gently with a rubber spatula.

Pour the batter into the mold and use a rubber spatula to dent the center and spread it out.

Drop the mold from the top several times to remove air bubbles.

Bake in the oven at 170°C for 40 minutes.

After about 20 minutes, take it out of the oven and make a crack with a bamboo skewer.

Return to oven and bake for remaining time.

When baked, drop the mold from the top several times to give it a shock.

Remove from the mold, peel off the oven sheet, and remove the rough heat on the net.

Cut to desired thickness and chill overnight in the refrigerator.

#パウンドケーキ #poundcake #紅茶 #tea #アールグレイ #お菓子作り #スイーツ #レシピ #おうちカフェ #簡単 #時短 #おやつ


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