早く作れる!レンジで美味しい焼きリンゴ♪You can make it quickly! Delicious baked apples in the microwave♪

リンゴ     1個
バター      1個
シナモン    適量
ハチミツ    適量
バニラアイス  1カップ
#Baked apple #Apple #Microwave recipe #Baked apple recipe #Easy recipe
I tried making a baked apple-style dessert in the microwave.
The cream cheese on top adds a rich flavor that makes it so delicious that you won’t believe it was made in the microwave.
A rich taste with a faint scent of cinnamon and brandy! It’s easy so please try making it!

For 1 ingredient
1 apple
1 butter
2 kiri cream cheese
Cinnamon appropriate amount
Honey appropriate amount
Vanilla ice cream 1 cup

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